Villers-en-Argonne has 250 inhabitants. It is situated in the middle of a hilly landscape surrounded by the woods.

The valley of the river Aisne – view on the village church of Villers

Oak tree plantedat the entrance of Villers on the occasion of the birth of kingLouis XIV,almost 4 centuries ago.

Village church, 16th century, restored after W.W.II, as seen from the castle.

Village church, 16th century.

Sixteenth/nineteenth century lock on the Aisne river (with watermill).

Sixteenth/nineteenth century lock on the Aisne river (bis).

The valley of Aisne

Trainstation for Villers and Daucourt, beginning 20th century; since long out of business.

Chamisso family tomb

Villers riding school, 18-9-011
Villers riding school

Villers riding school 2, 18-9-011
Villers riding school

Villers farm land, 23-5-010
Villers farm land

Bucolic autumn view on Villers, 30-10-2011
Bucolic autumn view on Villers

Villers , map,  what to see What to do
Villers , map, what to see What to do

Chèvres d'Argonne
Chèvres d’Argonne